Our Greatest Curiosity
Curiosity is not the pursuit of better answers …
Television/Film/Website/Documentary/Digital/Content/Audio Streaming/Social
Curiosity is the pursuit of better questions.
Can you see with your ears?
Is it possible to outsmart fate?
What does exhilaration sound like?
Can the weather predict you?
What emotion fits in the palm of your hand?
Can what you drive help keep you alert?
Can you wield the power of gravity?
Is there a color you’ve never seen before?
How do you inspire confidence?
Can a machine make you feel more human?
Lexus have always been relentlessly curious about drivers. Because they believe the most amazing machines are not inspired by machines, they are inspired by humans.
This campaign celebrates that truth in a :60 anthem, followed by ten additional :15 spots, each asking a single provocative human question. For the answers, we directed you online to lexus.com, where longform films explained the rich, relevant, robust answers, as evidenced in actual Lexus vehicles and innovations.
The Anthem Film
The :15 Questions We Asked on Television
The Website with the 2:00 Answers

Chris Graves/Patrick Dougherty/Jason Brady/Jason Whitehead/Ryan Davis